World Summit Awards 2017 Open For Nominations


World Summit Award (WSA) is an international contest aimed at selecting and promoting digital innovation with impact on the society. Until June 15th, application round is open to nominate the projects.

The aim of the 2003 World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva was to make information and communication technology accessible to everyone and to bridge the digital divide. The World Summit Award was established as a mean to achieve these goals.


WSA is a nomination based award system. To apply you need to be nominated by either a WSA National Expert as best national digital application in one of the 8 categories. Each country can only nominate one project/solution per category. Nominations to the international WSA are possible through national contests and national expert panel selection.

NAtiona Expoert for Slovakia is Mr. Vladimír Burčík and we will be happy to introduce you to him. Once you have contacted your expert, they will go through the steps you will need to take in order to qualify for national selection with you.

Your project will be reviewed and evaluated if it meets the eligibility criteria and standards of WSA. If your project is chosen to be nominated in one of the WSA categories, your WSA National Expert  will enter your data in the WSA online Contest Database. Please make sure your WSA National Expert  has the right contact data.

Upon nomination, you will receive a confirmation email inviting you to complete your application. Please make sure to check your spamfolder. After submitting your application you are officially enrolled in the global WSA. An especially assembled international Jury will then evaluated all nominated and completed projects and choose the 40 WSA winners and WSA Young Innovators per year.

Eligibility And Timeline

WSA promotes and awards also young innovators under the age of 30, who developed a digital application tackling the UN SDGs. The WSA Young Innovators Award is an open call. You can apply here.

Submissions for the WSA 2017 can contain all mobile and web-based applications, such as: apps, webpages, applications for wearables, kiosk installations, SMS based products, mobile and online games and interactive mobile productions. There is no limitation regarding the platforms or channels the projects work with.

This years categories are extended for an open call for young innovators under 30 years of age. You can find the full list of categories here:

In the period from April 4th to June 15th, WSA Database is open for your nominations. In July and August, online jury makes the decision for the Grand Jury Meeting in Berlin. On March 20.-22. 2018, the WSA Global Congress and Winners Ceremony in Vienna, Austria, takes place.

Why Should You Participate?

  • Get connected: get in touch with highly profiled IT experts from all over the world to discuss the rapid changes in the content markets.
  • Do business with the best: held in the framework of the United Nations, the participation of the WSA guarantuees valuable connections with leaders of government and business.
  • Compare your product: how is your product improvable? Get inspired from developers all over the world.

If you want to take part with your project, get in touch with Mr. Vladimír Burčik via our site ( or through his WSA page. The call is open until June 15th.

Article is based on excerpts from WSA website.

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