Crowdfunding Workshop With Paul Rieth: Call Open


July 13, 2017
Crowdfunding 4 Elements

For 19 years the Summer Film Festival & Seminar 4 Elements has been bringing to Banská Štiavnica quality films and many accompanying events that deal with a different main topic every year (in the past it was for example NIGHT, GAME, SENSES…). This year the organizers chose FAITH as the main theme and since they are trying to focus on all aspects of their topics they cannot forget about the “faith in people”.

Crowdfunding is a means of financing projects that is based on the “faith in people”. 4 Elements together with the Goethe-Institut therefore offer to all that are planning on using the crowdfunding campaign as one of the financial sources for their projects the opportunity to attend a public lecture and an individual project consultation with a German expert on crowdfunding Paul Rieth.

Crowdfundin Workshop with Paul Rieth
Crowdfundin Workshop with Paul Rieth

On Thursday, August 10, 2017 the workshop participants can attend a public lecture given by Paul Rieth about campaign strategies in crowdfunding. After the lecture, those who had signed up for a consultation with the lecturer can consult their projects (film, cultural, start-up) and get useful feedback, advice and recommendations tailored for their particular projects and the associated campaigns.

The language of communication for this workshop is English. The participants can also visit any of the Film Festival & Seminar 4 Elements screenings as their participation fee already includes the accreditation that allows the entrance to all screenings and accompanying events.

Paul Rieth studied media and communication as well as sociology at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. During his studies he was already working in marketing and PR but was also making documentaries, created a platform connecting young filmmakers and organized a festival of short films. He is still working in film and new media industry, producing documentary and presentation videos, tutorials etc.

With his agency GET YOUR CROWD he offers consultations and supervision of crowdfunding projects. He is based in Berlin where he works with the local start-up scene, often as a lecturer and speaker, taking part in workshops and lectures. You can find Paul Rieth’s biography on the website of the Film Festival & Seminar 4 Elements.

Crowdfunding Workshop with Paul Rieth
Crowdfunding Workshop with Paul Rieth

Call for participants

  1. Those interested in expert consultations have to send their completed application form with a description of their project (below) until July 20, 2017 to If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at the same address!

  2. If the project gets selected, the participants are required to pay 35€ fee for each person attending the consultation. The fee includes the participation at the consultation with the lecturer and the accreditation allowing the entrance to all screenings and accompanying events of the Film Festival & Seminar 4 Elements (lectures, discussions, exhibitions, concerts, parties) including a public lecture on crowdfunding strategies. The fee does not include travel expenses, accommodation or alimentation – however the event organizers can help you in these areas as well and you can turn to them with any questions.

  3. The selected participants can attend the workshop in Banská Štiavnica on Thursday, August 10, 2017. The organizers will inform them about their selection till July 25, 2017 and announce the exact time and place of the workshop.


Name of the participant(s):




Project Title:

Genre (film projects only):

Length (film projects only):

What is the project about?

Does the project already have funding? If it does, how much of the final budget?

Why do you think about using Crowdfunding?

Do you have a Crowd already? What contacts do you have which could be useful for a Crowdfunding campaign? (Social Media, Newsletter, Press contacts, Multipliers…)

Are there any ways already how to find your Crowd online & offline?

Can information be found online already? Please, insert link(s)!

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